Coloured by the time
We do live in an era where the majority of the surrounding objects are modified, improved, and preserved. Within our research about steel we had to first explore its natural, raw potential to be able to optimize its usage. Following the growing necessity for the pureness of processes, lower interference, and a mature attitude to observation, we present the Heat Collection. A raw narrative about the natural features of metal. Beautiful physics lesson and adoration of Mother Earth's powers.

The art of heating
The Heat Collection was created in cooperation with Rossana Orlandi Gallery, using high temperature as a rarely employed method of steel colouring. Excellent craftsmanship allows achieving the desired tint and colouring. It brings out the hidden beauty of metal without the use of chemical dyes and reagents.
Thermal colouring is rarely used by artists or craftsmen. Zieta Studio has developed its own process, in which computer-controlled furnaces are used to precisely heat metal. When exposed to high temperatures, without the use of dyes or other chemicals, steel naturally turns its original colour into a warm golden shade. Objects treated in this way form the interesting Heat Collection.
Thermal colouring is rarely used by artists or craftsmen. Zieta Studio has developed its own process, in which computer-controlled furnaces are used to precisely heat metal. When exposed to high temperatures, without the use of dyes or other chemicals, steel naturally turns its original colour into a warm golden shade. Objects treated in this way form the interesting Heat Collection.

Hi-tech colouring
Objects from the Heat Collection are first manufactured in FiDU, the unique technology of metal forming, according to which metal is inflated with compressed air, resulting in that playful look that is so uniquely Zieta Studio’s flagship. Later the objects undergo a technologically advanced heating process. Computer-controlled furnaces are programmed to raise the temperature to a certain point, and the process of colourization of the metal surface starts. This stage is critical because even a slight change in temperature can alter the colour. Each degree of Celsius is vital for achieving the final effect.

Range of thermal shades
Different colours can be obtained depending on the type of steel used. Objects made of polished stainless steel gain a deep and warm tone of Flamed Gold, without losing their mirror depth. However, carbon steel changes into an intense Cosmic Blue, a deep navy blue that brings to mind the colour of space. The Heat Collection, which relies on this process, consists of objects such as the RONDO mirror made entirely of gold-coloured steel, the G-TABLE, or rather its unique metal base, now available in golden or deep blue steel shades, or KAMYKI, decorative wall elements that can be freely arranged in a specific space.

For more information about products, prices and delivery, please contact our international sales manager.