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CRYSTALS is a series of mirrored objects combining geometric shapes with smooth, softtransitions of inflatable metal forms. Polished surfaces curve the light, creating a stunninggame of reflections and shadows. Curved mirrored surfaces allow to get lostin reflections.
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture
Crystal Totem Oskar Zięta Sculpture

Leave us a message if you are interested in special project such as a sculpture, trophy or if you have any other idea that we can help you with.

Crystal Totem

Eventos imperdibles


Mo Galeria – Park of Design and Art

Mo Galeria – Park of Design and Art


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