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Unveiling of the urban sculpture GENERACJE and the exhibition in Zielona Góra

Zielona Góra

urban sculpture generations by zieta

OSKAR ZIĘTA | GENERATIONS foto: Weronika Trojanowska

This year, the Winobranie Wine Festival in Zielona Góra will expand its celebrations to include an encounter with the works of Oskar Zięta. The urban sculpture GENERACJE (GENERATIONS) will be unveiled—a steel narrative about generations, technology, and fulfilled dreams. We invite you to a second-generation encounter.

Tafla C Mirror foto: Rafał Ciemny

Last year, during the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the founding of this winemaking town and the 700th anniversary of municipal rights, the GENERACJE exhibition took place at the Museum of the Lubuskie Region and the Art Exhibition Bureau (BWA). We had the opportunity to see a series of works by Oskar Zięta and Zieta Studio in two different contexts: art and design. A significant part of the event was dedicated to the sculpture project for Zielona Góra to be unveiled in Park Tysiąclecia (Millennium Park) in September 2023.
generacje sketch

Rondo Mirror foto: Rafał Ciemny

In the autumn of 2022, we had the opportunity to see generative prototypes of the sculpture at the Museum of the Lubuskie Region. These were the results of experiments based on advanced computational mechanisms of parametric design, created in the process of seeking the final form of the urban sculpture GENERACJE.


This year’s opening event will be complemented by an exhibition at the Museum of the Lubuskie Region, which has permanently included individual panels in a 1:2 scale in its collection. These objects, joined and scaled, form the Zielona Góra GENERACJE. Eight mirrored steel panels are located on the main staircase of the museum.


The GENERACJE project is special because it is being created in Oskar Zięta’s hometown, Zielona Góra, where his passion for steel was born. It was there, as a child, that he observed the metalworking processes in his grandfather’s blacksmith 1.0 workshop. The sculpture addresses the theme of generations passing and enduring. It emphasizes the importance of looking into the past in order to design the future.
Oskar Zięta is often referred to as a sculptor 4.0. Instead of using a chisel, he employs parametric design and his proprietary technology of free inner pressure forming called FiDU. The broad meaning of “generations” splendidly reflects the interdisciplinary nature of Zięta’s work. The sculpture is the result of detailed research and development on the stabilization of steel.

OSKAR ZIĘTA | GENERATIONS foto: Weronika Trojanowska

Relief of Marian Szpakowski | BWA Zielona Góra

GENERACJE is a study of place, its historical and artistic contexts. It is a technological manifesto expressed through art. It is a three-dimensional interpretation of the relief by Polish avant-garde artist Marian Szpakowski which adorns the façade of the BWA building. The designer read the relief, understood its grammar, and translated it into a spatial object consisting of eight metal panels.
oskar zieta and miniature of generacje


The design and research work is conducted by Zieta Studio in Wrocław, while the production hall is located in Zielona Góra. Therefore, the sculpture GENERACJE is not only a conceptual project dedicated to a place, but was also created in that very place from the beginning. It is a collaborative effort of Zielona Góra residents. It is a project for the city and its future generations.

Last year's exhibition article >

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